

Published Jul 1, 2024
Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

Third-party buyer company entry and disclaimer

HandHunt's purchasing agent order business is undertaken by quality third-party buyer companies. These buyers accept training and supervision from the platform, provide order purchasing services to HandHunt users according to the order processing service standards, provide users with related procurement, domestic after-sales services, and accept users' supervision. If you have any objections to the services provided by the buyer, please contact HandHunt's online customer service for assistance. All purchasing agent products displayed in HandHunt's purchasing agent module and search results are not sold by HandHunt, but are products from third-party shopping platforms. Therefore, HandHunt and third-party buyers are not responsible for any obligations and responsibilities related to these products, including but not limited to copyright or intellectual property infringement, and do not assume any legal responsibility or joint liability.

The goods you purchase on our platform are sourced from selected third-party platforms and are not sold directly by our platform. The legal risks involved are the responsibility of the third-party platform sellers. HandHunt only provides you with the service of purchasing goods as a bona fide third party, and you fully understand any risks associated with your purchase.